
Saturday, 14 May 2022



813 kali dilihat

2019-2023 Strategic Plan Change Coordination Meeting

All Heads of Divisions, Heads of Sub-Divisions and Technical Staff within the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held an online coordination meeting, Friday (13/05/2022).


The meeting was chaired by the Head of Regional Development Planning Control and Evaluation (PPEPD), Rina Juliati, S.Si., M.Si. and attended by 37 participants, it was carried out to coordinate the Changes to the Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) of the East Kalimantan Province Regional Apparatus for 2019-2023.


"In this coordination meeting, we will discuss repairing and sharpening casecading in changes to the RENSTRA for Regional Devices within the East Kalimantan Province," explained the Head of PPEPD, conveying the purpose of the meeting.


Furthermore, it was conveyed to all technical staff, sub-division heads, and Heads of Divisions in each planning sector to be able to observe the suitability of the Regional Apparatus RENSTRA to carry out control and evaluation. Regarding Regional Apparatus who receive corrections and evaluations in the RENSTRA document, it is hoped that each planning sector can coordinate with the relevant Regional Apparatus to make improvements and sharpen casecading in changes to the Regional Apparatus RENSTRA no later than May 20 2022 to be able to enter the planning stage further in accordance with Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 86 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Regional Planning, Evaluation and Development.


On another occasion, the Head of the Planning and Funding Subdivision of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Alfino Rinaldi Arief, ST, M.E also conveyed to all meeting participants that they could coordinate with the Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Province to prepare Draft Work Plan (RENJA) for Regional Apparatus for 2023 and submit it to the East Kalimantan Bappeda through the Planning Division no later than May 31 2022 to ensure orderly administration in the document preparation stages planning.


#2019-2023 strategic plan changes

#planning document
