
Saturday, 14 May 2022



939 times seen

Marangkayu Regional SPAM Coordination Meeting

Thursday 12/05/2022, infrastructure and regional Bappeda Prov. Kaltim attended the Marangkayu Regional SPAM Coordination Meeting through the Zoom Meeting. The meeting was attended by the Provincial Technical Team, the Bontang City Technical Team and the Kutai Kartanegara District Technical Team as many as 42 participants.


The meeting was held in the framework of the process of preparing the SPAM Regional Marangkayu (Kutai Kartanegara-Bontang) Document (FS) by Project Preparation Consultant (PPC) East Kalimantan through the Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Asian Development Bank (ADB).


predicted in 2044, the population of Kec. Marang Kayu will increase to 37,429 people (source: BPS data), therefore, the average water requirement in Kec. Marangkayu is also expected to increase, with a deficit rate of -3.5L/DET/year so that it is predicted to experience deficits in drinking water and raw water. Marangkayu Regional SPAM is expected to reduce deficits by adding 75 LPDs. Besides Kec. Marangkayu, also planned SPAM Refional Kukar-Bontang. It is estimated that the Kukar-Bontang Regional SPAM Capital Cost (Capex) is Rp. 930,832,540,956,-

#baped mutiled




