Meeting to optimize the use of EBT in an integrated manner in the oil palm plantation business entity in East Kalimantan in the Independent Action of East Kalimantan Renewable Energy (Amet - East Kalimantan)
Samarinda, June 10, 2021, 10.00 WITA . Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province represented by the Economy Field Attending the Meeting of Optimizing the Utilization of New Renewable Energy (EBT) in an integrated manner at the Palm Oil Plantation Business Entity in East Kalimantan in the Independent Energy Action of East Kalimantan (Amet-KALTIM) organized by the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (Desdm East Kalimantan Province) online (virtual meeting). This meeting was attended by 14 (fourteen) participants.
delivered at this meeting that there are many sectors in East Kalimantan that have EBT potential such as forestry (biomass), plantations (biomass, biogas, solar power), industry (hot and organic waste , Solar power), waste management (biomass and biogas, solar power), property (solar power), mine (solar and methane), agriculture (biomass), and so forth.
Renewable Energy Independent Action (Amet) is an action needed to campaign and encourage companies that have EBT potential to use it as much as possible for their internal needs and export their strengths, thereby reducing the use of fossil energy gradually while reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) both from the combustion of fossil energy and the release of methane from organic decay into the air.
Biocng is another form of use of biogas. The resulting biogas comes from oil palm factory waste that is processed with digester biogas where the concentration of methane gas is increased so that the product produced is BIOCNG which has the same characteristics as CNG. Utilization of this BIOCNG can be in the form of the conversion of diesel engines into dual fuel biocng-diesel engines, both in the generator and trucks or buses. BIOCNG can also be used in industries in the area around BIOCNG producers, for example as a cutting plant, or direct combustion for drying in the plywood industry. In addition, BIOCNG can also be channeled through CNG pipes that supply community gas needs, especially for households, hotels and restaurants, as well as industry.
There are several objectives to be achieved from the implementation of this activity, including short-term objectives to achieve understanding between plantation business entities and palm oil mills operating in East Kalimantan with OPD East Kalimantan Province ESDM Office, The East Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Office, as well as the East Kalimantan Provincial Environment Agency, to carry out the use of new renewable energy on the company's internal and integrated independently. While the medium -term goal is to achieve full renewable new energy use in the plantation business entity and oil palm factory so that it no longer requires the supply of fossil energy from other parties to meet their operational energy needs. And the long -term goal is to achieve the independence of community energy in an area around the place of operation of the plantation business entity and oil palm factory.
(Humasbappeda/Fat) .