
Sunday, 03 July 2022



586 times seen

The 23rd plenary meeting of the DPRD of East Kalimantan Province

East Kalimantan Province DPRD held the 23rd plenary meeting on Tuesday, 28/06/2022 which was attended by OPD in the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan including Bappeda Prov. Kaltim via Zoom Meeting.


The 23rd plenary meeting was opened by the Chairperson of the Provincial Parliament. Kaltim - Drs. H. Makmur Hapk, MM. At the meeting there were 2 (two) agendas, namely: 1. Submission of a memorandum of explanation of the Regional Regulation of the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Initiative Regulation on Regional Arts of East Kalimantan Province; 2. Determination of the Discussion of the Draft Regional Regulation by the Commission or a Commission of Commission or Special Committee on Youth Services.


Chairman of the Provincial DPRD Prov. East Kalimantan hopes that the Special Committee can work well for 3 (three months) and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan will also be pro -active in providing full support.


one of the representatives from the DPRD Commission I of the PDIP Faction conveyed "Referring to the PAN RB dated May 31, 2022, so we from the DPRD Commission I have made a hearing with the East Kalimantan Province BKD hoping that this issue can be fought for hundreds of thousands of honorary staff throughout Indonesia."


at the meeting also happy about CSR funds. Resolve the CSR fund problem with the formation of a work committee in the early stages. However, if the work committee finds very principle, it will be continued to the Special Committee level.

#baped mutiled

