
Wednesday, 01 March 2023



843 times seen

Discussion Meeting of Detailed Technical Planning Document Report

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the field of infrastructure and region attending the meeting of the Discussion of the Final Planning Document Report (DED) and the Final Report of the SAFEGUARD SPAM Regional Kukar-Bontang study which was carried out online and luring at the Balikpapan Novotel Hotel (01/03/2023).


The meeting opened by Mr. Wijayanto representing the Director of Drinking Water, Director General of Cipta Karya, the Ministry of PUPR was attended by elements of the Ministry of PUPR, Central Technical Team, East Kalimantan Province Technical Team, Bontang City, and Kutai Kertanegara Regency and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Bank (ADB) and the Consultant Team.


In his remarks conveyed, in the context of accelerating regional spam in East Kalimantan Province, Directorate of Drinking Water, Director General of Cipta Karya, the Ministry of PUPR provides facilitation in terms of the acceleration of the preparation of regional spam planning documents in East Kalimantan Province through the Accelerating Infrastructure program. The availability of uneven raw water between the Kukar-Bontang region through the Kukar-Bontang Regional SPAM which will serve the City of Bontang and Kutai Kartanegara Regency.


further conveyed, the discussion of the final report of the Detailed Technical Planning Document (DED) and the Final Report of the Kukar-Bontang Regional SPAM SPAM Study is the final step in the finalization of Regional SPAM Planning Documents in East Kalimantan Province, so that the active participation of all related parties to provide advice and input in this finalization stage.


#infrastructure and fell on 2023

#Report End of the Technical Planning Intelison