
Wednesday, 13 April 2022



707 times seen

Discussion Meeting of the Draft Government Regulation concerning "Special Authority of IKN Authority" and "Funding and Management of IKN Budget"

Thursday, 07/04/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ms. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, attended virtual invitation to the Discussion of the Draft Draft Discussion of Regulations which were derived from Law No.3 of 2022 concerning "Capital Capital". This meeting was held divided into 2 sessions, the first session was focused on the discussion of the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on "Special Authority of the Capital Authority of the Archipelago" and the second session was focused on the discussion of the Draft Government Regulation on "Funding and Management of the Capital Budget of the Archipelago".


The purpose of this meeting is to obtain input and suggestions in the improvement of the draft Government Regulation on "Special Authority of the Authority of the Capital City of the Archipelago" and the Draft Government Regulation on "Funding and Management of the Capital Budget of the Archipelago" which was previously compiled by the Pokja Team. This meeting is also a further agenda of the Discussion Meeting of the Draft Presidential Regulation that was held on the previous day.


Discussion is carried out by examining the article per article listed in the Draft Government Regulation on "Special Authority of the Authority of the Capital City of the Archipelago" and "Funding and Management of the Capital Budget of the Archipelago". Regarding the two draft, Mrs. Charmarijaty (Mrs. Mrs. Nona, her nickname), examined the importance of ensuring the regional government, as well as the Ministry/Institution regarding the status of the handover of assets or land that would be part of the IKN Authority area so that the determination of special authority and funding and management of the IKN Authority Budget could be easier and clear.

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#Preparation of Pptureunanuuikn


