Meeting to Strengthen Correspondence and Archives in Accordance with Official Documents and Archives Management Guidelines
Thursday 07/28/2022. Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan attended the Meeting on Strengthening Correspondence and Archives in Accordance with the Official Documents and Archives Management Guidelines which was held at the Novotel Balikpapan Hotel. The agenda was opened by Acting. The Provincial Regional Secretary is H. Riza Indra Riadi.
The meeting presented 2 (two) speakers, namely Drs. M. Syafranuddin, MM (Head of East Kalimantan Province Library and Archives Service) and Provincial Secretariat Organization Bureau. East Kalimantan. The resource person conveyed the importance of a letter management system, including: storage and documentation of letters; tracking (tracking) letters in searching for letters based on date, year, number, destination, subject, origin of the letter and so on. Apart from that, to find out the position or whereabouts of the letter so that its whereabouts and problems can be traced if there are delays; disposition and distribution of letters is faster, more targeted and safer; numbering automatically, quickly and accurately; has a mail database and accelerates service to meet data and information needs. Classification of letters is also important in classifying official documents based on the issues contained therein for organizing, arranging and rediscovering archives. At the meeting, the provisions for official documents and official correspondence procedures were explained in detail.
#strengthening of letters and archives
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