Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Meeting for Preparation of Road Map for Creative Economy Development for East Kalimantan Province
Samarinda, (09/11/2020). Head of Trade, Investment and Tourism Sub-Sector Andi Arifudin, S.Si, M.Si attended the Preparation Meeting Road Map for the Development of the Creative Economy of East Kalimantan Province at the Ballroom of the Mercure Hotel Samarinda.
This meeting was opened by the Head of the Tourism Office and attended by the East Kalimantan Provincial Tourism Office, the East Kalimantan Provincial Education Service, the East Kalimantan Provincial Industry and Trade Service, the East Kalimantan Province Communication and Information Service, the Regency/City Tourism Offices throughout East Kalimantan , as well as vertical agencies such as Bank Indonesia Kaltim and BPS East Kalimantan Province.
Presidential Regulation Number 142 of 2018 mandates that each region should have an action plan for creative economic products, while the creative economy itself has not been explicitly included in East Kalimantan's development planning as a sector that will play an important role in ecotourism-based tourism.
Submitted by Andi The role of the national creative economy, its growth continues to improve to 10% and the contribution of exports is quite significant, reaching up to 7%. The creative economy sectors which are the favorites for exports include fashion, crafts and culinary.
Several reasons why the creative economy needs to be improved include economic contribution, becoming the nation's image and identity, renewable resources, creating innovation and creativity, and equal distribution of prosperity.
The document for preparing the road map for the development of the creative economy in East Kalimantan is expected to be completed in early December 2020 which contains the conception, policy direction and strategy regarding the development of the creative economy in East Kalimantan
(Humas BappedaKaltim/Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S. Sos)