
Monday, 06 March 2023



705 times seen

Final Preparation Meeting of Work Visit Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan to West Kutai

Samarinda, (02/03/2023) Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan at the PPEPD staff at the PPEPD Division attended the Final Preparation Meeting of the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan to West Kutai at the Meeting Room of the 2nd Floor of the Governor of the Governor of East Kalimantan Province.


The meeting was chaired by the Head of the Development Administration Bureau Ir. H. Irhamsyah, ST, MT. and attended by the area of ​​the scope of Prov. Kaltim and several regional apparatuses related to the scope of the West Kutai Regency Government.


At this preparation meeting next week the Deputy Governor is planned to submit assistance to the people of West Kutai from several regional apparatus. East Kalimantan includes the Forestry Service, Welfare Bureau, Dispora, Disperindagkop, DPTPH, Disbun, DPKH, Dinkes, and DPMPD.


The assistance will be handed over symbolically by the Deputy Governor to the Regent of West Kutai located in the Hemaaq Beniung Customary Forest Nature at the same time inaugurating the natural tourism.



#Preparation for the end of the TabiBugkaltimKEKUBAR