Final Preparatory Meeting for the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan's Working Visit to West Kutai
Samarinda, (02/03/2023) Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, represented by PPEPD Division staff, attended the Final Preparation Meeting for the Visit of the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan to West Kutai at the Tepian I Meeting Room, 2nd floor of the East Kalimantan Province Governor's Office.
The meeting was chaired by the Head of the Development Administration Bureau, Ir. H. Irhamsyah, ST, MT. and attended by Regional Apparatus within the Province. East Kalimantan and several regional apparatuses related to the West Kutai Regency Government.
At this preparatory meeting next week the Deputy Governor plans to hand over aid to the people of West Kutai from several Provincial Regional Apparatus. East Kalimantan includes the Forestry Service, Welfare Bureau, Dispora, Disperindagkop, DPTPH, Disbun, DPKH, Health Office, and DPMPD.
The assistance will be handed over symbolically by the Deputy Governor to the Regent of West Kutai at the Hemaaq Beniung Traditional Forest Nature Tourism while also inaugurating the Nature Tourism.
#preparations for the final visit to Wabugkaltimkekubar
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