Wednesday, 02 November 2022
Socialization Meeting on the Use of Socio-Economic Registration Data and Dissemination of SEPAKAT in Prov. East Kalimantan
Plt. Head of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando, was one of the resource persons at the Socialization Meeting on the Utilization of Regsosek Data and Dissemination of the Integrated Poverty Planning, Budgeting, Analysis & Evaluation System (SEPAKAT) which was held in a hybrid manner at the Grand Tjokro Hotel Balikpapan and online via Zoom Meeting by the Ministry PPN/Bappenas and attended by 50 online participants representing Regional Apparatus within the Province. East Kalimantan and Regency/City, Wednesday (02/11/2022).
In his presentation, he said that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government appreciates the central government's steps in disseminating the SEPAKAT System, so that through this implementation it can integratedly direct policies both planning and evaluating programs. social welfare programs and activities in East Kalimantan.
It was further stated that the implementation of Regsosek in 2022 is in line with the Regulation of the Governor of East Kalimantan Number 48 of 2021 concerning One Data, as a follow-up to the direction of the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian data, so it is hoped that through Regsosek data, population data, employment data, housing condition data, health data, disability data, social protection data, education data and economic empowerment data can be made available in One Data East Kalimantan.
The East Kalimantan Provincial Government will take full advantage of the results of Regsosek and SEPAKAT in taking strategic steps and endeavoring to spatially map the results of these data to assist analysis and policy making forward.
"I hope that through this activity we can all support the realization of Regsosek activities in 2022 and the implementation of SEPAKAT, so that it will become a special concern for related Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.", Plt. Head of Provincial Bappeda. Kaltim expressed hope at the end of his presentation.
At the meeting, 4 other speakers were present, namely:
1. BPS East Kalimantan Province (delivering the topic of Socialization and Education on Regsosek Implementation);
2. Dit. PKPM Bappenas & DMD/K Regional Coordinator (presented the topic of Utilization and Analysis of Regsosek Data to support Evidence-Based Planning);
3. Director of Village Development Evaluation, Ministry of Home Affairs (presenting the topic of Village Government Support in Utilizing Regsosek Data); and
4. Director of Budget for Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Finance (presenting the topic of Regsosek to Support Government Budgeting)
#utilization ofregrosekdata
#dissemination of agreement
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