Technical Meeting and Training for Management of Village Owned Enterprises in East Kalimantan Province in 2021
Samarinda, June 7, 2021, 08.30 WITA . East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the Technical Meeting and Training of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in East Kalimantan Province held by the East Kalimantan Province Community Empowerment and Village Government Office.
This activity was attended by 42 (forty two) regional apparatus in the scope of East Kalimantan Province and was opened by the Head of DPMPD (Community Empowerment and Village Government Office) of East Kalimantan Province, H.M. Syirajudin, SH, MT.
The resource person who was present as the speaker of the Assistant Government and People's Welfare of the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Dr. Drs. Moh. Jauhar Efendi, M.Sc, and Head of Government and Human Development of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan, Drs. Hariyo Santoso.
Assistant Government and People's Welfare Secretary of the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, dr. Drs. Moh. Jauhar Efendi, M.Si in his presentation conveyed a number of matters related to the technical meeting and training of the management of village -owned business entities in the provincial level of East Kalimantan in 2021 must be understood by all relevant parties and intended to equip staff who handle BUMDes in order to foster a more professional BUMDes and BUMDes managers have the ability to manage BUMDes increasingly professional. BUMDes is a village business managed by the Village Government (Pemdes) and a legal entity.
Pemdes can establish BUMDes in accordance with the needs and potential of the village. Capital BUMDes can come from the village government, community savings, government assistance, provincial government, district government, loans or investment in other parties, or profit sharing cooperation on mutual benefit. In 2021, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government has allocated a 50 million bankeu fund per village for community empowerment through the management of BUMDes for the progress of villages and village governments in general. The village development budget allocation will be sought to increase in the following years. The advantage of BUMDes if managed professionally is that it can increase local village income; Improve the economy of society; Increased community service; The younger generation feels at home to live in its place of origin; The birth of potential village entrepreneurs; The importance of one BUMDes manager who understands financial management.
Furthermore, Head of Government and Human Development of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province, Drs. Hariyo Santoso conveyed in his presentation related to the strategy and policy direction contained in the East Kalimantan RPJMD related to the optimization of village -owned enterprises is to strengthen and improve the role of community economic business institutions and increase active BUMDes to improve the village economy. The strategic goal in improving the empowerment of rural communities in underdeveloped villages and is very disadvantaged is to improve the quality of village -owned enterprises in East Kalimantan Province. The target to be achieved from these objectives is the improvement of the quality of BUMDes; Increasing the quality of BUMDes management; Increased administrative and financial managers of BUMDes. In the East Kalimantan Provincial APBD in 2020, through the allocation of district/city financial assistance expenditure, a budget has been allocated for villages in East Kalimantan amounting to +Rp.513,330 billion. It is hoped that all related parties can support all village development programs with BUMDes. Must be encouraged the role of the relevant OPD in the Regency/City in the development of BUMDes. There needs to be a good management and support for BUMDes in dealing with business competition.