
Saturday, 30 July 2022



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Technical Meeting of Village Development and Rural Areas in 2022

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through government and human development attended the technical meeting of village and rural areas in 2022 organized by the Office of Community Empowerment and Village Development (DPMPD) Prov. Kaltim, Friday (29/07/2022).


The meeting opened by the Head of DPMPD Prov. Kaltim, Mr. M. Syirajuddin, S.H., M.T. was attended by Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Head of East Kalimantan DPMD, Head of East Kalimantan DPMPD environment, East Kalimantan Provincial Rural Development Coordination Team, Governor Team for Supervision of the Acceleration of East Kalimantan Province (TGUP3) and P3MD Experts in East Kalimantan Province, as well as related stakeholders.


The purpose of the coordination meeting is in order to improve coordination and synergy in the development of rural areas, potential, and development of rural areas.


The ongoing effort is to encourage every village in the East Kalimantan region that has a high economic potential to be motivated in accelerating the development of rural areas so that it becomes an opportunity for each village to develop cooperation between villages based on the mapping of potential that has been carried out and the acceleration of village development in the East Kalimantan area.


Another thing that will be done for data that already exists in rural areas in 10 districts/cities is a geospatial mapping to find out the problems of rural areas, especially village boundaries so that community conflicts with companies can be avoided.

#baped mutiled


#buildings and regional areas