
Thursday, 23 June 2022



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Follow -up Meeting Proposed changes in the designation and function of the forest area in the framework of a review of the Regional Spatial Planning

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the field of infrastructure and region to attend a follow-up meeting of the proposed changes in the designation and function of the forest area in the framework of the revision of the Provincial RTRW held in the Ulin Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Province Forestry Service, Monday (06/20/2022).


the meeting opened by Plt. Head of the East Kalimantan Province Forestry Service, Mr. H. Joko Istanto, SP., M.Sc. It was attended by 30 meeting participants consisting of elements of the Regional Office of East Kalimantan ATR/BPN, BPKH Region IV Samarinda, as well as regional apparatus in the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan such as Economic Bureau, Bappeda, PUPR & Pera Office, Forestry Service, and Disnakertrans.


This meeting was held to agree on the follow-up plan and gather the data requirements needed for requests for exposing the proposed area changes and forest functions by the Governor of East Kalimantan to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


Based on the results of the discussion, related parties are asked to support the completeness of the data for the proposal application.


As for the data needed, namely:

a.) Map of KWS proposal. Forest scale 1: 250,000 with updating/additional proposals from the provinces that have been signed by the Governor of East Kalimantan who are also adjusted to the Menlhk Decree No. 668 of 2021.

b.) The results of technical studies in the context of changes in forest areas.

c.) KLHS.

d.) Satellite image of coverage for the last 2 years.

e.) maps and documents such as forest use, the use of forest areas and the release of forest areas.

f.) The results of research that have been carried out related to changes in forest areas.

g.) Other supporting data according to Permenlhk No. 7 of 2021 Article 348 (East Kalimantan Province in Figures, OPD Strategic Plan for SDA Economics, District/City Proposed Documents, Land Cover Data)


The results of the discussion in this activity will be followed up by relevant parties which are then scheduled a further meeting on June 28, 2022 for data collection and preparing for the proposal of forest area changes and forest functions.

#baped mutiled



#Changes to the Function and Function of the HutsKaltim