2016 East Kalimantan Government Reform
samarinda, 1/4/2016. Border: 3px outset #d9d9d9; SRC = "https://bappeda.kaltimv.go.id/storage/image/Berita/Humas_2016/April_2016/2 _kaltim.tribunnews.com_website "Width =" 450 "Height =" 253 " /> East Kalimantan Provincial Government by Governor Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak in Lamin Etam Pendopo, Thursday 31/3/2016.
quoting the news from East Kalimantan.antaranews.com that "East Kalimantan Provincial Government requires government reform. This inauguration is a policy of performance improvement in the context of acceleration and transformation to realize the vision of East Kalimantan 2018," Awang said Faroek after the inauguration ceremony at the Lamin Etam Pendopo, Samarinda, Thursday.
As for officials who were transferred and inaugurated by the Governor of East Kalimantan, among others:
1. Sayid Fatur Rahman, Become a General Administration Assistant;
2.Meiliana, Become a Government Assistant;
3.Haida Arsyad, Becomes the Head of the Women's Empowerment and KB Empowerment Agency;
4.Chairil Anwar, became the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency;
5. Zairin Zain, Becomes the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency;
6.ichwansyah, becoming an Assistant for Economy and Development;
7.DININGSIH, Becomes the Head of the East Kalimantan Library Agency;
8. Wahyu Widhi Kalahata, became the Head of the Forestry Service;
9. MUHAMMAD SA'BANI, became the Head of the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and MSMEs;
10. Abu Helmi, became the head of the border bureau, regional arrangement and cooperation;
11. Tri Murti Rahayu, became the Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau;
12. S. Adiyat, became the Head of the General Bureau.
According to the Governor, mutations are common in government to strengthen performance so that public service tasks can be carried out properly, and at the same time as a career development process for employees.
The mutation process should be able to become a medium of refreshment and spur new enthusiasm for improving performance, he said.
Therefore, officials must work hard, intelligent, sincere, professional, and highly committed for the interests of regional development.
"This mutation has gone through the correct process and procedure. Starting from the process of selecting and determining the competency evaluation, qualification compatibility, and objective assessment by the Agency for Consideration of Position and Rank (Baperjakat) without There is an intervention, "he said.
On that occasion, the Governor also reminded that the performance of all officials will continue to be evaluated.
"officials who are unable to provide good performance, they must be ready to be replaced by other officials who are more capable, competent, and more professional," said Awang Faroek. (Quoted from kaltim.antaranews.com). S Urgers Photo: Kaltim.tribunnews.com