
Tuesday, 11 October 2022



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Poverty Reconsolidation Kabubapten/City in East Kalimantan in 2022

Balikpapan, 06-07/10/2022. Opening of Regency/City Poverty Consolidation Meeting
East Kalimantan Poverty reduction) of East Kalimantan Province, Charmarijaty, ST., M.Sc in the Swiss-Bellhotel Balikpapan Mahakam Meeting Room, attended by participants in the Bappeda Regency/City scope of East Kalimantan numbered approximately fifty people. width =

In the second session acting as moderator is the head of government and human development, Hj.nani Arbie, ST., MT. In this session featured a presentation of 2 (two) resource persons, namely the Head of the East Kalimantan Province BPS represented by the Functional Staff of Young Expert Statistics in the Statistical Analysis Sub -Function of the IKA Ayuningtyas, SST, MSI who conveyed related to information and poverty data in East Kalimantan Province.


Then the next exposure was delivered by the Assistant of the Economy and Development of the East Kutai Regency Secretariat, Ir. Zubair, MT who is not only a resource person at the meeting but also as the main discussion at the Regency/City Exposure Session. In his presentation several important things have been conveyed related to the problems and poverty that occur in the regencies/cities in East Kalimantan at this time and the solution to its management. The important note in the exposure and direction of the Assistant Economy and Development was conveyed that immediately verified and validated data by name by address that had to be mapped, found or know the causes of poverty and formulated how to overcome them based on the problem of poverty itself and immediately make an operational action plan.

Implementation of Regency/City Poverty Consolidation Meetings in East Kalimantan for 2 (two) days, from 6-7 October 2022 is a very important agenda as a meeting forum between provinces and districts/cities in East Kalimantan with the aim of knowing and mapping the fundamental issues related to poverty in districts/cities as well as obstacles encountered in terms of repetition. Provincial targets for reducing poverty and elimination of extreme poverty in districts/cities can be realized immediately.


At the end of the Poverty Consolidation Meeting of Regency/City in East Kalimantan Province, several important points are produced in the minutes, as follows:

1) Maximizing the role of the Provincial and Regency/City Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK) in accelerating poverty reduction;

2) synergizing the planning of provincial and district/city poverty reduction programs;

3) Coordinate and integrate the results of the discussion of district/city poverty consolidation into provincial and district/city planning documents;

4) using the results of poverty consolidation forums in tackling poverty problems in regencies/cities in East Kalimantan;

5) Management of the Poverty Problems of Regency/Cities in East Kalimantan is adjusted to each of the needs needed based on the characteristics of the region and the condition of the poor.

6) Regency/City Government through Bappeda/Bappedalitbang as Leading Sector to create a poverty data forum based on the principle of verification and data validation;

7) Provincial TKPK facilitates Regency/City TKPKD to reconcile data to Pusdatin Ministry of Social Affairs. (SKR/PPM2022).