Rembug Stunting in Samarinda City Level
Sector of Government and Human Development of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the Samarinda City level stunting joy at the Mangkupalas Room Samarinda City Hall.
This Rembug is carried out in order to ensure the integration of the intervention of stunting interventions between OPDs in charge of services, non-governmental institutions and the community at priority locations (focus handling).
Samarinda City based on data in February 2023 there is a data of a stunting baby as much as 2,500 toddlers stunting, where the most tingi is in Sungai Kukung District with a total of 390 followed by Loa Janan Ilir District with a total of 380 and Samarinda Ilir with a total of 351 people. While the lowest number of stunting is in Samarinda City sub -district with a total of 91 people.
In the achievement of the Coverage of Specific Intervention in Samarinda City in 2022, young women who consume TTD (blood added tablets) are 43.51% and prospective substitutes who consume TTD as much as 6.62%. With a national target according to Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2021.
for the results of the analysis of the measurement of stunted data from Samarinda City in 2021 of 10.74 and decreased in 2022 to 9.8%. But the latest data increased in February 2023 which became 12.7% with a toddler visit to Posyandu in 2023 only 21.94% (average)
and stunting locus in 2023, in the village: Rawa Makmur, Book, Keledang River, Mosque, Lerong Bay, Water, Sidodadi, Mount Kelua, Sidomulyo, Lempake, East Sempaja, Loa Bakung, Loku, Lerong Ilir, Karang Anyar In
Based on Elsimil's report until July 17, 2023, a family risk of stunting that has received assistance from TPK (Catin: 201 people, pregnant women: 1581 people, Mothers after pregnancy: 567 people, Baduta 0-2 years: 2870 people)
In supporting the acceleration of stunting decline, Samarinda City has made the Genre Ambassador (Planning Generation) program and this organization is under the auspices of the Samarinda City DPPKB and has an Early Marriage Prevention Program for Premarital Companions for Teenagers.
#government and human development