Thursday, 20 October 2022
Secretary of Bappeda Kaltim became a keynote speaker at the National Seminar on Regional and City Planning
Balikpapan, 10/19/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ms. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si attended the invitation to become a keynote speaker at the 2022 National Compact Seminar event entitled "Development Acceleration Strategy in Utilizing Local Potentials for Sustainable Development of New Normal Era". This event was organized by the Regional and City Planning Study Program, Kalimantan Institute of Technology in Balikpapan.
Mrs. Miss (the familiar greeting of the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda) conveyed a number of important things in the themed exposure to "Collaboration Opportunities for Development of the Capital Capital" including new challenges that still need to be faced by planners in postponement recovery; The policy direction and strategy for developing the region of East Kalimantan and IKN is based on spatial, environment, superior commodity, and sustainability aspects; and opportunities for research and innovation of regional and city planning that are still very wide open, especially through the investment sector in the field of tourism, processing industry and other potential fields in East Kalimantan.
was also conveyed to all seminar participants present about the importance of the role of the planners for the development of East Kalimantan. For this reason, East Kalimantan really needs a quality planner/planner so that the development of East Kalimantan becomes more advanced.
As information that the need for planners/spatial planners in East Kalimantan is approximately 376 people, but currently those who are still recorded through associations that overshadow regional and city planners (IAP) only amounts to 183 people. This shows the opportunity that is still quite large for planners to have a career and participate in building East Kalimantan.
other speakers who were also present at the event were the Head of Bappedalitbang Balikpapan City (pure, ST); Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation in the IKN Authority Agency (Prof. M. Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D); KK Planning and Design of ITB City (Ridwan Sutriadi, ST, MT, Ph.D).
#baped mutiled
#Planning for the City of City