National Seminar "IKN Nusantara in Social, Economic and Agricultural Perspectives"
Saturday, 05/03/2022. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Prof. Dr. Ir. HM Aswin MM was present as a resource person in the National Seminar with the theme "IKN Nusantara in Social, Economic and Agricultural Perspectives" organized by the Indonesian Agricultural Economic Association (Perhepi).
Prof. Aswin delivered a presentation on "the readiness and benefit of East Kalimantan Province as the Capital of the State (IKN)". In his presentation, he said that the Province of East Kalimantan was very ready and had made various efforts in welcoming the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan, especially in terms of preparation of Regional Development Planning Documents (RPJMD, RKPD) and East Kalimantan RTRW.
On this occasion, Prof. Aswin said that the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan was a thing that would certainly provide a positive advantage and impact on the development of the East Kalimantan region. This positive impact will certainly be very felt in all aspects of development such as social, cultural, and economic aspects and certainly have an impact on agriculture in East Kalimantan.
In relation to agriculture, it is said that with the transfer of IKN, it will certainly be in line with the increase in food needs in East Kalimantan. This needs to be prepared as well as possible because it is a very profitable opportunity for agricultural human resources in East Kalimantan.
to note that currently the East Kalimantan food needs in rice commodities are still 295.8 thousand tons, and if the IKN has been transferred the need for rice commodities is projected to reach 452 thousand tons or even more with the addition of the number of people who moved to East Kalimantan.
However, the development of agriculture in East Kalimantan still has a number of problems and obstacles including the use of agricultural resources for food availability and nutrition; Environmental damage and global climate change; The availability of facilities and infrastructure is still limited; Limited access to farmers to capital; The conversion of the function of agricultural land; Not yet optimal the exchange rate of farmers; Not yet optimal farmers' institutions; The decreasing young generation who are interested in agriculture; Limited agricultural human resources; and not yet optimal coordination between sectors.
The existing problems and obstacles must be resolved immediately so that East Kalimantan agriculture can run optimally and become a leading sector that can spur the East Kalimantan economy going forward.
#baped mutiled
#Economy of the Agriculture Economy
#seminarNasional PhepikalTim