
Friday, 25 February 2022



724 kali dilihat

Seminar Series Sustainable Development Goals

Thursday, 02/24/2022. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Prof. Dr. Ir. HM Aswin MM was present as a resource person in the "Sustainable Development Goals Seminar Series" organized by Gadjah Mada University.

In his presentation, Prof. Aswin, who delivered a presentation on "Opportunities and Challenges for Development of the National Capital City (IKN)", said that East Kalimantan Province had made various efforts to welcome the move of IKN to East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan Province has included discussions regarding the transfer of IKN into regional development planning documents (RPJMD, RKPD) and the East Kalimantan RTRW.

Regarding the transfer of IKN, Prof. Aswin said that the existence of IKN will have an impact on increasing economic growth through trade in goods and services as well as incoming investment, employment opportunities by opening up business opportunities, increasing cultural diversity, and increasing community welfare. Even though the current condition of East Kalimantan still needs to fix and improve a number of issues such as the quality of local human resources which must be able to be more competitive, the quality of basic infrastructure such as roads, bridges and communication networks which is still not optimal, illegal mining activities which need to be curbed, fuel scarcity and optimization. processing of palm oil products.

Therefore, the challenges that still have to be faced with the presence of the IKN transfer are in the form of accelerating development and equitable distribution of regional growth, especially infrastructure to and from IKN; increasing the capacity and quality of local human resources who have competitiveness in accordance with the demands of the job market and IKN development; efforts to accelerate economic recovery and social reform in the regions due to the Covid pandemic; and improving environmental quality through rehabilitating forest areas, restoring the function of protected areas, as well as mitigating and reducing risks.





#capital of the archipelago


