
Thursday, 29 December 2022



691 times seen

Handover of FKRP2RK Secretariat and Kalimantan Regional Proposal Consolidation Meeting

Tuesday (12/27/2022) Plt. Head and Field of Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development (P2EPD) Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the Handover agenda of the FKRP2RK Secretariat and the Kalimantan Regional Proposal Stabilization Meeting held at the Swisbell Hotel Balikpapan.


Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim said that the implementation of FKRP2RK could continue as a friendly space for friendship, communication and coordination in order to realize the synergy of regional development plans in Kalimantan and also result in the substance of the formulation of development plans that can be internalized into the RKP and realized in the APBN.


Plt. Bappeda Kaltim hopes that the implementation of FKRP2RK in the future can run smoothly and effectively to develop the Kalimantan region, especially in its role as an IKN partner.

#baped mutiled



