
Thursday, 16 June 2022



879 times seen

The I Trial of the Coordinating Team for the Management of Water Resources in the Mahakam River Region (TKPSDA) in 2022

Monday, 06/13/2022. Head and Staff of the Infrastructure and Region of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the invitation of the 1st session of the Mahakam River Water Resources Coordination Team in 2022 for the socialization and capacity building of TKPSDA members in understanding SDA policy.


The event was held for 2 (two) days, 13-14 June 2022 which was attended by members of the Central and Regional Government Elements, members of the TKPSDA element of the organization/non-government association and the Kalimantan River Region IV Samarinda. Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was present to give a speech and open the event as the Chairperson of TKPSDA WS Mahakam.


The trial event was filled with several materials, namely: Submission of Work Plans for TKPSDA WS Mahakam in 2022 and Evaluation of the Performance of the TKPSDA Secretariat in 2021; Socialization of Law No. 17 of 2019 concerning SDA; SDA management policies in IKN; and management of reservoir sedimentation. One of the TKPSDA members expects the TKPSDA Secretariat so that the plenary session will also be held in practice in the field

#baped mutiled


#uuno17 years 2012
