
Friday, 23 September 2022



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The third trial of 2022 TKPSDA WS Berau - Kelai

Thursday, 09/22/2022 Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM attended the third session agenda of 2022 TKPSDA WS Berau - Kelai through the Zoom Meeting. The meeting was attended by members of the WS Berau-Kelai TKPSDA; TKPSDA Secretariat, BWS Kalimantan V Tanjung Selor, and Bappeda Litbang Kab. Berau as a resource person.


Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan opened the event while giving a speech. In his remarks, Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan said that in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing 421/KPTS/M/2021 dated April 12, 2021, TKPSDA WS Berau-Kelai has the task of assisting the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing in coordinating water resource management through:

a. Discussion on the draft pattern and draft plan of water resources management in the Berau-Kelai River area for the formulation of consideration materials for determining the pattern and water resource management plan;

b. DISCUSSION OF PROGRAM Draft and Draft Plan for Water Resources Management Activities in the Berau-Kelai River Region for the Formulation of Consideration Materials for Determination of Programs and Plans for Water Resources Activities;

c. Discussion of the proposed water allocation plan from each water source in the Berau-Kelai River area for the formulation of consideration material for determining the water allocation plan;

d. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT OF HYDROLOGY, HYDROMETEOROLOGY, AND HYDROGEOLOGY (SIH3) In the Berau-Kelai river area to achieve the integration of information systems management;

e. Discussion on the design of institutional use of water resources in the Berau-Kelai River area; and

f. Giving consideration to the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing regarding the implementation of water resource management in the Berau-Kelai River area.

In order for these tasks to be achieved, in this third session it is scheduled to discuss local strategic issues related to coastal abrasion on Derawan Island and inventory of the follow-up of the plenary session recommendation.

#baped mutiled

