
Tuesday, 02 May 2023



741 times seen

Gathering and Halalbihalal Big Family Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan

Samarinda, (04/26/2023). In order to strengthen the Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan held Halalbihalal Eid al -Fitr 1 Shawwal 1444H in the Bappeda Provincial Police Meeting Room Prov. Kaltim.


This gathering was opened by the Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando and attended by all Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Dharmawanita Association, Deputy Mayor of Samarinda, Development Partners, Full Duties and Tgup3.


also appeared to be present in this activity former Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Adi Bukhari, Mr. Sulaiman Gafur, Mr. Rusmadi Wongso, and Mr. Zairin Zain.


Starting his remarks Mr. Yusliando wish you a happy Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, he delivered

respects to the previous Head of Bappeda, that the presence of seniors can arouse enthusiasm in duty.


This activity is also filled with tausyiah from H. Aspian Noordin, S.Ag. In his lecture he invited to continue to strengthen the spirit of stay in touch.


The event closed with each other shaking hands, alternately all the audience shaking hands and forgiving. Looks full of joy and happiness of the entire face present at this event, greet each other, smile full of hospitality.


#Greetings in the big number of the nalcclicalty