Gathering and Halalbihalal of the Provincial Bappeda Family. East Kalimantan
Samarinda, (26/04/2023). In order to strengthen the relationship between the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan held a halalbihalal Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1444H in the Regional Police meeting room at the Provincial Bappeda Office. East Kalimantan.
This gathering was opened by the Head of the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando and attended by all Provincial Bappeda employees. East Kalimantan, Dharma Wanita PBB, Deputy Mayor of Samarinda, Development Partners, Retired Officers and TGUP3.
Also present at this activity was the former Head of the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan, Mr. Adi Bukhari, Mr. Sulaiman Gafur, Mr. Rusmadi Wongso, and Mr. Zairin Zain.
Starting his speech, Mr. Yusliando wished him a Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H, he said
A tribute to the previous Head of Bappeda, that the presence of seniors can raise enthusiasm for work.
This activity was also filled with tausyiah from H. Aspian Noordin, S.Ag. In his lecture he invited us to continue strengthening the spirit of friendship.
The event closed by shaking hands with each other, in turn all the attendees shook hands and apologized. Looks full of joy and happiness on all the faces of those present at this event, greeting each other, smiles full of friendliness.
#big family gatheringbappedakaltim
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