
Saturday, 14 May 2022



655 times seen

Gathering of Bappeda Family of East Kalimantan Province and East Kalimantan Tgup3 Team

Monday, 05/09/2022. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held Halal Bi Halal Eid al -Fitr 1443 H together with the Governor Team for escorting the acceleration of development in the Poldas Meeting Room.


for the first time halal bi halal in the title after two years cannot be carried out given the Pandemi Covid19 which requires to maintain the health protocol.


The atmosphere of togetherness and intimacy is very established in this activity, employees shake hands and forgive each other.


Mr. Aswin hopes that with this halal bi halal, Bappeda employees can return to establish friendship and can give good enthusiasm. "Hopefully with this halalbihalal we can re-glue ourselves, encouraging good enthusiasm, then can be peaceful with family," he said.

#baped mutiled

