Gathering of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Family and the East Kalimantan TGUP3 Team
Monday, 09/05/2022. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held Halal bi Halal Idul Fitri 1443 H with the Governor's Team to Oversee the Acceleration of Development in the Regional Police meeting room.
For the first time halal bi halal was held after two years of not being able to implement it considering the covid19 pandemic which required maintaining health protocols.
The atmosphere of togetherness and familiarity was very strong in this activity, the employees shook hands and forgave each other.
Mr Aswin hopes that with this Halal bi halal Bappeda employees can re-establish relationships and provide good spirits. "Hopefully with this halalbihalal we can unite ourselves again, give good spirits, then we can be at peace with our families," he said.
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