
Tuesday, 11 July 2023



870 times seen

Symposium strengthens the sustainable agricultural ecosystem to support the food security of the capital city of the archipelago and East Kalimantan

Samarinda, (11/07/2022). Head of Economics and Natural Resources Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo accompanied by Functional Planner Sub -coordinator Mrs. Agustina Rahmawati attended the Agricultural Symposium at the Mercure Hotel Meeting Room.


This activity was organized by the Directorate of Food Security in the Environment and Natural Resources of Authority IKN in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University to discuss the Joint Strategy of Oikn and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in building a Sustainable Agricultural Ecosystem.


entitled "Strengthening Sustainable Agricultural Ecosystems to Support the Food Security of the Capital of the Archipelago and East Kalimantan" This symposium is intended to collect data, information and views and success stories that are trusted and can be used in building a sustainable agricultural ecosystem in IKN and East Kalimantan climate.


The construction of the capital city of the archipelago is based on the circular and tough principle of which one of the targets is to provide and function at least 10 percent of the Capital Region of the Archipelago (IKN) as a food production area. Spatial Planning for the Strategic Area of ​​the Capital City of the Archipelago and the Spatial Detail Plan has allocated the area of ​​supporting food security that are scattered in various development planning areas or in the IKN development area.


Sustainable agriculture is therefore necessary to support the conception, policies, designs and integrated actions. A whole ecosystem, reaching multi -sectors, multi -actors and integrated in one landscape needs to be built to support the implementation of sustainable agriculture in the IKN and East Kalimantan Province.



#Faculty of Agriculture SUPPORT

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