
Wednesday, 22 December 2021



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SIPD application socialization

Tuesday 21 December 2021. Head of Bappeda together with the Bappeda Planning of East Kalimantan Province carried out the activities of "Socialization of Regional Development Information System Applications" online.

In the context of strengthening the capacity of the Human Resources (HR) planning organizers in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in accordance with the Mandate of Permendagri Number 86 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development and Permendagri Number 70 of 2019 concerning SIPD, then BPSDM East Kalimantan held a socialization on the SIPD application on Tuesday, December 2121.

In his direction, Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda Prof. Dr. Ir.H. M. Aswin, M.M, hopes that the initial discussion for SIPD socialization will end this year (2021). Furthermore, the field of developing BPSDM East Kalimantan Technical Competency can synergize with the P2EPD Bappeda East Kalimantan field to hold a special training for Widyaiswara focus on SIPD, so that it can master SIPD both at the planning, budgeting, and administrative stages. That way, in the future Widyaiswara can also be a resource person in increasing the capacity of human resources in the provincial and district/city covered in the process of implementing the use of SIPD applications.

#baped mutiled

#Planning for Development of Callets

#planning instruments
