
Thursday, 04 November 2021



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Socialization and fostering environmental policies in the zoning of coastal areas

Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province represented by the Economy and Natural Resources Fields attended the Virtual Implementation of "Socialization and Environmental Policy Development in Zoning Coastal Areas" held in the city of Balikpapan.

This meeting is intended to further optimize the preparation of environmental policies carried out in coastal areas, especially in East Kalimantan Province with approximately 40 sub-districts in coastal and sea areas.

present as a speaker at this event one of which was Mr. Rafiddin Rizal, Head of the East Kalimantan Province Environment Agency who conveyed related to the achievements of the Index Index of Sea Water Quality (IKAL) of East Kalimantan in 2020 at 83.51 in good status, and convey various policies and problems regarding the development of coastal and marine regions in East Kalimantan Province.

Other presenters who were also present at this event, Mr. Erik Teguh Primiantoro, S.Hut, Mes, Director of Prevention of Regional and Sector Policy Environmental Impacts, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. He conveyed related to the framework of environmental and social protection policies in coastal and sea areas. The complexity found in the use of natural resources in coastal and sea areas should still need to be seen as the potential and opportunities that must be optimized by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in the development of coastal and marine areas.