Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights Facilitation (IPR)
Samarinda, June 14, 2021, 09.30 WITA . East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, represented by the Government and Human Development Sector, attended the Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights Facilitation (IPR) which took place in the Meeting Room of the Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda) of East Kalimantan Province.
The event was opened by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Balitbangda and was attended by relevant agencies and student representatives from several universities in Samarinda. The speakers who attended this event were representatives of the Legal and Human Rights Service Division of the Kemenkumham Regional Office, Dra. Sri Lastani, ST, M.IPL and representatives from the Indonesian Industrial Research and Standardization Center, Suroto Hadi Saputra, M.P.
Dra. Sri Lastani, ST, M.IPL said in his presentation that intellectual property (KI) was very important in supporting the development of the nation's economy. Intellectual property needs to be protected to be able to encourage the producer of KI to continue to work; Creating a conducive environment for working and doing business with healthy competition; assist in developing business; and used as an important asset of the business that was built.
Furthermore, Suroto Hadi Saputra, M.P added in the next presentation session that it was necessary to be widely carried out on the importance of intellectual property rights (HKI) to the wider community, especially business actors. The community can obtain information and consultations about IPR (especially related to brands and copyrights) at IPR centers which are special institutions in charge of this matter.
(Humasbappeda/Ismi) .