Saturday, 25 September 2021
National Socialization of NDC Update and LTS LCCR 2050
Thursday, September 23, 2021. Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan was represented by the economic and natural resources in the national socialization of NDC and LTS LCCR updates in 2050.
As a follow-up to the effort to fulfill the obligations and commitment to control climate change, the Indonesian government has submitted the updated NDC and LTS-LCCR 2050 to the UNFCCC secretariat in July 2021. National Socialization Updated NDC and LTS-LCCR 2050.
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the sub-field of natural resources and the environment also participates in the socialization event.
LTS-LCCR 2050 documents present Indonesia's sustainable vision for a long-term period and achieve a balance between reducing emissions in the future and economic development. The long-term strategy also poured Indonesia's destination to reach the peak of the national GHK emissions in 2030 with a net reduction in the forestry sector and land use and towards Net-Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060 or faster.
From the perspective of economic development, the strategy aims to reduce the potential loss of the country's GDP by 3,4596 due to climate change in 2050 with increasing resilience in four basic socio-economic development needs namely food, water, energy, and environmental health.