Thursday, 27 October 2022
Socialization of the Neutrality of State Civil Apparatus in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections
Balikpapan, 10/25/2022. Plt. Head of the General Subdivision of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province (Mr. Jerry Pahlevy Mahakam, SE, M.Si) attended the activity "Socialization of the Neutrality of State Civil Servants in the Implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections" which was held at the Grand Senyiur Hotel, Balikpapan. The socialization was opened by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan and attended by the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Kesbangpol Agency, the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial BKD, the Head of the East Kalimantan KPU, the Head of the East Kalimantan Bawaslu as well as all representatives of the Kesbangpol Agency and BKD at Regency/City level throughout East Kalimantan.
Several important notes from the results of the implementation of these socialization activities include the statement that neutrality provisions for ASN have been regulated through Law Number 5 of 2014, one of which is that ASN cannot take sides or commit activities that show partiality to election and regional election participants; A Joint Decree (SKB) of 5 (five) Ministers and Heads of Institutions has been issued regarding guidelines for fostering and supervising the neutrality of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) employees in holding general elections in order to build synergy and effectiveness in coaching and supervising the neutrality of ASN employees as well as making it easier for ASN to understand things that should not be done and have the potential to violate the code of ethics or employee discipline.
Furthermore, it was also conveyed regarding the types of disciplinary violations of ASN Neutrality in accordance with SKB 5 State Institutions signed on September 22 2022, including regarding placing banners/billboards/other props related to election and voting candidate candidates. ; Candidate Social Media/Online Socialization/Campaign; Approach: Political parties as potential candidates and the community (for independents) as potential candidates; Attend declarations/campaigns of candidate pairs and provide partisan actions/support; Become a member and/or administrator of a political party; Make posts, comments, shares, likes, join/follow in winning/candidate groups/accounts; Make decisions/actions that can benefit/disadvantage political parties or candidates or candidate pairs before, during and after the campaign period; Providing support to prospective individual candidates by providing letters of support or collecting photocopies of KTPs or resident certificates; Posting on social media/other media that can be accessed by the public, photos together with: Candidates, successful teams by displaying symbols of partisanship/wearing political party attributes and props related to the political party/candidate; Carrying out activities that lead to bias towards political parties or candidates or candidate pairs; Become a team of experts/winning teams/consultants or other names for prospective candidates or potential pairs of candidates participating in an election or election before determining the participants in the election or selection; and Become a team of experts/winning teams/consultants or other names for political parties or candidates or pairs of candidates participating in elections and elections after the determination of the participants.
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