
Saturday, 25 November 2023



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Socialization of Reporting of Low Carbon Development Action (PRK) of East Kalimantan Province through the Bappenas Aksara Portal

hi, friend planning!

The Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda was represented by the Head of the Economy and SDA Bappeda Kaltim, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo opened and delivered a speech at the activity attended by around 110 participants consisting of elements of the Regional Government of East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Bappeda/Bappelitbang/Bappedalitbang Regency/City East Kalimantan, as well as development partners and related company leaders in East Kalimantan Province.

In his remarks conveyed that the Indonesian government through Inisative Development Low Carbon (PRK) answers the challenges of handling climate change problems so that the decline in greenhouse gas emissions is in line with other sustainable development agendas such as economic growth, poverty alleviation and food security.

Further explained that the script was present as a platform planning for monitoring and reporting of PRK actions in a transparent, accurate, complete, consistent and integrated manner.

To note, this activity was moderated by Mr. M. Fadly, S.Hut., M.Hut. (Experts in the field of PSDA Bappeda Kaltim) and present 5 speakers including:
1. Ms. Anna Amalia (elements of the Directorate of Environmental Environment of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas);
2. Ms. Novia Mustikasari (elements of LCDI/Low Carbon Development Initiative Ministry of PPN/Bappenas);
3. Ibu Aisyah Putri (LCDI);
4. Mr. Abdurrohman Hidayat (LCDI); and
5. Mr. Putu Indy (LCDI);

Through this activity it is hoped that all stakeholders can work together, so that the reporting program for the East Kalimantan Low Carbon Development Action (PRK) through the script can be carried out well to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the development of East Kalimantan.


#Socialisation Reporting Reporting
#Peperunan LowBonkaltim

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