
Thursday, 23 June 2022



852 times seen

Socialization of Functional Position Development Policy Analysis in the Scope of the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan

Wednesday, 22/06/2022 Kasubbag. General and Personnel Staff attended the socialization meeting of the functional position of policy analysis in the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. The meeting was held hybrid, namely at the BPSDM Provincial Office of East Kalimantan and through the Zoom Meeting.


This socialization meeting presents 2 (two) resource persons namely Tri Widodo W. as the Secretariat of the JFAK Central Assessment Team.


at the socialization meeting concluded, among others, policy analysts are thinkers in an organization; Policy analyst must be a pretention position; Jafung alias policy is helping the leadership to make the right decisions; Organizational policies must be intact and solid; In the organization there are 3 pillars, namely: leaders/policy makers, bureaucracy and policy analysts; As a functional position, it must have a field of competence, namely skills, acknowledge and attitude; Jafung's job is measured credit score. Credit scores are obtained in the assessment based on improving organizational performance.

#baped mutiled


#Socialization of Jenjfak Development