Socialization of the Proposal of DAK in the Field of Roads in 2023
Bappeda Infrastructure in Prov. East Kalimantan attended the socialization of the Proposal of DAK in the 2023 road organized by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing virtually through the Zoom Meeting.
This activity was opened by the Head of the Regional Infrastructure Facilitation Center Mr. Krisno Yuwono, ST, MT, and attended
In his direction Mr. Krisna said the focus of improving DAK in 2023 in the policy substance includes the first, sharpening of thematic, holistic, integrative and spatial concepts aimed at increasing the impact of physical DAK in supporting certain thematic and integrated spatially. Second, the reduction and selection of the area of the location of the priority of physical DAK is more selective to ensure the concept of completeness, third, sharpening activities so that results oriented results that have a direct impact on regional development and achieve national targets.
Characteristics of all physical DAK are "DAK assignment" with targets of specific fields/ sub-fields, selective lockers and focus activities. The recipient area is selected in order to support the achievement of certain PN or MP targets based on the concept of this.
Determination of priority corridors is not based on the first, priority location criteria must be clear, measurable, the latest data is available and referring to certain documents/regulations (for example: masterplan) by considering the capacity of implementation and budget. Second, the criteria for priority locations are mutually agreed upon between the thematic coordinator and supporting supporting fields by taking into account the needs of thematic handling. Third, focus on the sustainability and completeness of the handling of the Lokpri. Fourth, the main corridor of the regional road is a road that connects the primary road network (national/ provincial/ district/ city) to the regional economy center.
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#propagators of 2023