Socialization of the Proposal of DAK in the Field of Roads in 2023
Infraswil Division of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the socialization of the proposed 2023 DAK for Roads held by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing virtually via zoom meeting.
This activity was opened by the Head of the Regional Infrastructure Facilitation Center, Mr. Krisno Yuwono, ST, MT, and was attended by representatives of the Public Works Department for Highways and Provincial and Regency/City Bappeda.
In his direction, Mr. Krisna said that the focus of improving the 2023 DAK on policy substance includes first, sharpening thematic, holistic, integrative and spatial concepts aimed at enlarging the impact of physical DAK in supporting certain thematics holistically and integrated spatially. Second, reducing and selecting priority locations for physical DAK more selectively to ensure the concept of completeness, third, sharpening activities so that they are results-oriented which have a direct impact on regional development and achieving national targets.
The characteristic of all physical DAK is "assignment DAK" with specific field/sub-field targets, selective local areas and focused activities. DAK recipient areas are selected in order to support the achievement of certain PN or MP targets based on the THIS concept.
Determining DAK priority corridors is based on first, priority location criteria must be clear, measurable, have updated data available and refer to certain documents/regulations (eg master plan) by considering implementation capacity and budget . secondly, the priority location criteria are mutually agreed upon between the thematic coordinator and supporting field administrators by taking into account thematic handling needs. third, focus on sustainability and complete handling of Lokpri. Fourth, the Main Regional Road Corridor is a road section that connects the primary road network (National/Provincial/District/City) to the regional economic center.
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