
Saturday, 11 September 2021



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Socialization of programs and deepening of fresh USAID work plans in East Kutai

Thursday, September 9, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the virtual implementation of program socialization and deepening work plans for USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across regions in East Kutai Regency. The event was opened by Assistant Regional Secretary for the Economy of East Kutai Regency, H.Suroto, SE, M.Sc. Similar events have been held previously for Mahakam Ulu Regency.

USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (Fresh) is an activity initiated by the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas RI with USAID. The plan, this activity will be carried out for the next 5 (five) years.

Through a fresh program, USAID will advance Indonesia's development objectives in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with economic development and inclusive livelihoods. This activity will achieve two objectives including the first goal of strengthening inclusive environmental governance at the targeted sub-national level to advance the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable forest management, and sustainable land use; and the second goal to increase the implementation of the purpose of environmental and social sustainability in the supply chain of the production of private resource commodities in the private sector which reduces threats to biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use.