
Thursday, 26 October 2023



1245 times seen

Socialization of Procedures for Inputing the Regional Action Plan Matrix (RAD) Sustainable Development Development Purpose (TPB/ SDGs) Year East Kalimantan 2024-2029

Samarinda (10/26/2023), East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a socialization of the Procedure for Inputting the Regional Action Plan (RAD) Matrix Sustainable Development Development Development (TPB/SDGS) East Kalimantan

This socialization was attended by all regional apparatus in the scope of the Province of East Kalimantan, Regency/City, Development Partner, CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), NGO (Non Governmental Organization), Philanthropy and business actors.

This event is a series of public discussions I about RAD TPB/SDGs held on October 10. The purpose of this socialization is to map the Regional Action Plan from all stakeholders based on indicators provided in the next five years and socialize the procedures for inputting the achievement targets based on indicators of each stakeholders so that they can independently input into the

The results of the TPB/SDGs indicator matrix input that have been agreed upon by each regional apparatus and also the agency, will later be delivered at Public Discussion II in mid-November.

The series of events from this socialization is divided based on the type of stakeholders. There are 5 (five) stakeholders, each of which has its own part in filling the matrix column that has been provided. The first session was a session for the regional apparatus of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, the second session for development partners, CSOs, NGOs, Philanthropy, and Academia, the third and fourth sessions for the Regency/City Government and the last session for businesses.

It is hoped that this socialization can make it easier for stakeholders to jointly collaborate and participate in preparing TPB/SDGs RAD/SDGs in 2024-2029 and committed to achieving community welfare and sustainable development.

