
Wednesday, 09 November 2022



1253 times seen

Development Strategy Prov. East Kalimantan who is interconnected with the IKN development plan

Plt. Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando became a guest speaker with the topic "East Kalimantan Province Development Strategy which was connected with the Nusantara City LBU Development Plan (IKN)" in the Samarinda Archdiocese Working Meeting held in the Samarinda Archdiocese Hall, Tuesday (11/08/2022).


In a working meeting attended by priests, sisters, brothers, representatives of congregation/tarekat, commissions, foundations and category groups who work in the district/city in East Kalimantan Province (except Berau Regency), Mr. Yusliando explained The capital city of the archipelago through diversification and creation of new economic sectors and the application of the principles of industrial development, namely: sustainable, green, and technologycal advanced.


further conveyed, there are several hopes of East Kalimantan Province with the transfer of IKN, including: the development of the economy that is sustainable in the area around the IKN is increasing, the East Kalimantan community gets proper job opportunities both in construction and typing the IKN has been operating, the improvement of the quality of education, health and the environment in East Kalimantan, and the better the infrastructure in East Kalimantan.

#baped mutiled

#strategy for the development of the rogue

#interconnection planning for development

