Follow -up Working Visit Members of Committee II DPD RI to East Kalimantan Province (based on the invitation of the Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan Province No.005/2908/EK dated 9 June 2021)
Balikpapan, June 14, 2021, 10.30 WITA . Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province was represented by the infrastructure in attending the working visit of the DPD RI Committee II to the East Kalimantan Province which was held in the Auditorium of the City of Balikpapan. The event was attended by as many as 60 participants consisting of the Mayor of Balikpapan and its staff, Secretary of Prov. KALTIM Prov. Kaltim, DPD RI, BWS Kalimantan IV, BPDAS Mahakam-Berau, Bappeda Prov.Kaltim Prov. East Kalimantan, PUPR Office and the Balikpapan City Environment Agency, PDAM City of Balikpapan and Samarinda, as well as the East Kalimantan DAS Forum.
The event began with the remarks of the Mayor of Balikpapan, H. Rrahmad Mas'ud, remarks by the Chairperson of Committee II of the DPD RI, Yorrys Raweyai and then the event was opened by the Regional Secretary of the Prov.Kaltim, H.Muhammad Sa'bani. Furthermore, the presentation session from BWS Kalimantan IV and the East Kalimantan Watershed Management Center.
The visit was carried out in the context of supervision of the implementation of Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning Water Resources and its changes in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Work Cipta.
Besides that, the purpose of this visit is also to hear the problems faced related to water resources, related to the conditions, availability and management, so that the presence of the DPD RI can provide solutions and bridge the problem of coordination vertical with local governments. Obtained several points delivered including water is a classic problem, East Kalimantan Province has abundant raw water, but in fact the community still lacks clean water; Balikpapan and Bontang cities are surrounded by the sea, so it is reasonable for a shortage of clean water. In contrast to the condition of Samarinda City which was passed by the Mahakam River but still experienced a shortage of clean water; Related to the fulfillment of the availability of raw water in the city of Balikpapan there are 3 (three) physical development by BWS Kalimantan IV that are in progress, namely: Aji Raden Embung, Teritip Dam and Sepaku Semoi Dam; In the city of Balikpapan BWS Kalimantan IV has carried out several handling of the Ampal River, namely the handling of downstream activities in the mouth of the river, by opening the flow of the estuary so that there is no resistance of water from the upstream. But for the middle region it is still waiting for the resolution of social problems because there are still many people who inhabit along the riverbanks; The city of Balikpapan is included in the handling of floods of 3 cities which are governor's priority programs.
Furthermore, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan is ready to provide support and establish cooperation with the Ministry of PUPR and other central agencies, referring to the Work Cipta Law, involving the private sector in building its clean water facilities. Following up on this matter, Committee II of the DPD RI will hold a coordination meeting with the Ministry of PUPR and other related ministries by bringing the results of this working visit in the near future.
(Humasbappeda/Dawn) .