
Thursday, 09 June 2022



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FOLLOW -UP Socialization of Permendagri Regarding Guidelines for the Preparation of RKPD in 2023

Friday, 03/06/2022. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda through the Regional Development Planning, Control and Evaluation Sector (P2EPD) held a follow -up meeting of the Ministry of Home Affairs' socialization on the preparation of RKPD in 2023. This meeting was held face to face and online at the Four Point Balikpapan Hotel, attended by all structural officials and technical staff of Bappeda in East Kalimantan Province and representatives of all regencies and cities in East Kalimantan. Head of P2EPD Bappeda Kaltim, Mrs. Rina Juliati, S.Si., M.Si, led the implementation of the meeting.


In the implementation of the meeting, several fundamental matters were conveyed regarding important issues and the scope of the Permendagri which became general guidelines in the preparation of RKPD in 2023. Entering program activities and sub -activities related to the Success of Election and Simultaneous Local Election in 2024; preparation of the initial draft RPJPD in 2025 - 2045; stipulation of regional head regulations regarding RKPD in 2023 by appointed officials if the regional head is unable to as well as the determination of macro indicators that refer to Government Regulation Number 13 of 2019 and Permendagri Number 18 of 2020 or Joint Letter of Minister of Home Affairs and Head of Bappenas Number 050/3499/SJ and Number 3 of 2021.


then also conveyed at this meeting regarding the temporary schedule of RKPD facilitation for districts/cities, namely on June 20 for Balikpapan, Kutai Kartanegara, and Bontang; June 21 for Samarinda, Berau, and East Kutai; June 22 for Mahakam Ulu, and PPU; June 24 for West Kutai and Paser. The requirements that need to be included in the facilitation are the application for facilitation and regent to the Governor through the East Kalimantan Bappeda; Rankhir RKPD in 2023; Minutes of the RKPD Musrenbang Agreement in 2023; The results of controlling and evaluating the formulation of annual development planning policies; Description of program consistency and funding framework between RPJMD and RKPD; APIP Review of Rankhir RKPD in 2023; and RKPD Facilitation Form in 2023.



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