
Tuesday, 13 December 2022



937 times seen

Public Test Draft Regional Regulation concerning Regional Spatial Planning of East Kalimantan Province in 2022 - 2042

Monday, 12/12/2022. Infrastructure and Bappeda Provincial Infrastructure and Region. East Kalimantan attended the Agenda of the Public Test of the Regional Regulation on the Regional Spatial Planning of the Province of East Kalimantan in 2022 - 2042 at the Ballroom of the Midtown Hotel Samarinda and through the Zoom Meeting


The agenda was attended by ATR/BPN Prov. Kaltim; Center for Strengthening Forest Areas Region IV Samarinda; East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD member; Regional Secretary Prov. Kaltim; Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Prov. Kaltim; Environmental Service Prov. Kaltim; ESDM Office Prov. Kaltim; Transportation Agency Prov. Kaltim; Provincial Plantation Service. Kaltim; Tourism Office Prov. Kaltim; Department of Food, Food Crops and Horticulture Prov. Kaltim; Forestry Service Prov. Kaltim; Bappeda Prov. Kaltim; Bureau of Government and Autonomy and Regional Secretariat Prov. Kaltim; Legal Bureau of Regional Secretariat Prov. Kaltim; Experts Preparation of RTRW Prov. Kaltim; District/City RTRW Preparation Team Prov. Kaltim; Academics; Professional Association/Business Actors; and NGO. Presenting three speakers namely the Provincial PUPR Office. Kaltim; Pansus RTRW Prov. East Kalimantan 2022 - 2042; ATR/BPN RI.


The agenda is to absorb input, suggestions and responses to refine the regional regulation with the purpose of spatial planning in order to realize a developed, safe, comfortable, sustainable and sustainable space in order to realize the center of the green, agriculture, marine and fisheries, mining and IKN. The special provisions on the spatial pattern plan include: 1. Specific provisions on the KKOP spatial plan; 2. Specific provisions on the KP2B space pattern plan; 3. Specific provisions on the planned spatial pattern of disaster prone areas; 4. Specific provisions on the spatial plan of the cultural heritage area; 5. Specific provisions on the water catchment area spatial plan; 6. Specific provisions on a border space plan (beach, river, lake/reservoir, springs, pipelines/underwater cables); 7. Specific provisions on the Spatial Plan for Defense and Security Areas; 8. Specific provisions of the karst space pattern plan; 6


