Tuesday, 01 December 2020
East Kalimantan's proposal of IDR 14.10 T to the 2017 APBN
Jakarta, 10/3/2016. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government proposes an East Kalimantan Development Priority Program through the Cooperation Forum Revitalization and Acceleration of Kalimantan Regional Development (FKRP2RK) amounting to Rp. 14.10 trillion to the 2017 APBN is divided into several priority programs including: 1). The focus of the Connectivity Proposal is IDR. 3.64 Trillion; 2). Focus of Proposed Energy Fulfillment of Rp. 7.60 Trillion; 3). Focus of Proposed Food Security Rp. 767.14 Billion; 4). The focus of the Border Maritime Proposal is IDR. 868.16 Billion; 5). The focus of the Tourism Industry Proposal is IDR. 1.14 Trillion; 6). The focus of the SDA & LH proposal is IDR. 85 Billion.
The 2017 East Kalimantan Province Development priority program proposal through financing the 2017 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) was submitted by Plt. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si at the Kalimantan Regional Pre-Musrenbang event through the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation (FKRP2RK) in the Grand Sahid Hotel meeting room, Jakarta, Thursday 10/3/2016 and also delivered by all Heads of Provincial Bappeda throughout Kalimantan. p>
The implementation of the Kalimantan Regional Pre-Musrenbang through the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK) was attended by approximately five hundred participants from SKPDs within the Provincial Government throughout Kalimantan.
Intensive discussions on the Kalimantan Regional Pre-Musrenbang agenda through the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK), involving all stakeholders agreeing on priority programs/activities in the context of accelerating the development of Kalimantan Island including:
1. Construction/Improvement of Roads and Bridges across Kalimantan including: a). Completion of Widening of the South Axis Kalimantan Highway; b). Accelerating the Development of National Strategic Roads/Central Axis; c). Bridge Construction; d). Toll Road Construction; e). Road Structure Improvement; f). Road Planning Study; g). Bridge Planning Study.
2. Land transportation includes: a). Construction of Type A Terminal; b). Construction of an Area Traffic Control System (ATCS); c). City Transit System Development; d). Procurement and Installation of National Road Safety Facilities; e). Transit System Development (BRT); f). Provision of a Mass Transport Bus Fleet; g). Procurement and Installation of Road Equipment; h). Procurement of School Buses; i). Traffic Management and Engineering Arrangement; j). Procurement and Installation of PKB Equipment.
3. River transportation includes: a). Completion of the Construction of the Ferry Pier; b). River Pier Construction; c). Dredging of Anjir for River Transport; d). Procurement of Multi-Purpose Work Boats; e). Development of Erosion Control and River Protection; f). River Normalization; g). Improvement and Rehabilitation of the Ferry Pier; h). Construction of Ferry Pier.
4. Sea transportation includes: a). Port Development; b). Development of International and National Ports; c). Port Improvement; d). Pier Development; e). Dredging of Shipping Channels; f). DED Port Facilities; g). Construction of Port Facilities; h). Port Development and Dredging; i). Construction of Passenger Terminal; j). Construction of CPO Port.
5. Air transportation includes: a). Airport Development and Improvement; b). Construction of Pioneer Airport; c). Construction of Airport Apron and Taxi Way.
6. Railways include: a). Railway Track Land Acquisition; b). Preparation of DED and AMDAL for Railway Line Construction; c). Construction of Railway Lines.
7. Communication and Informatics include: a). Fiber Optic Development; b). Construction of Communication Tower.
1. Agricultural and Irrigation Infrastructure includes: a). Development and Management of Irrigation Networks, Swamps and Other Water Networks; b). Management and Conservation of Reservoirs, Reservoirs, Situ and Other Water Storage Buildings; c). Provision and Management of Raw Water; d). Construction of Tertiary Irrigation Network; e). Repair/Rehab of Water Networks; f). Provision and Development of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities; g). Creation of Micro Water Management (TAM); h). Construction and Opening of Dams; i). Construction of a continuous system of raw water distribution pipe networks; j). Water Management at the Farming Level; k). Irrigation Network Development; Provision of agricultural production facilities.
2. Rice Field Printing includes: a). Rice Field Print; b). Expansion of Rice Field Areas; c). Development of Horticultural Agriculture areas; d). Survey Investigation Design (SID).
3. Increasing Agricultural Production/Productivity includes: a). Production Management of Cereal Crops, Various Nuts and Tubers; b). Increased production, productivity and quality of horticulture and plantation crops (cocoa, coffee, pepper); c). Development of refreshing spice plants (cocoa/coffee); d). Development of oil palm plantations; e). Land Optimization (fertilizer, seeds, machinery); f). Livestock Seed Assistance; g). Integration of palm oil cattle and post-mining cattle; h). Increasing agricultural facilities and infrastructure to support food production; i). Prevention and Management of Livestock Diseases; j). Expansion of the People's Garden.
4. Agricultural Industry Development includes: a). Assistance with food processing equipment; b). Assistance with tools for processing horticultural products; c). Assistance with livestock product processing equipment.
5. Land Provision includes: a). SID Print Rice Fields; b). Expansion of Garden Land; c). Expansion of HMT; d). Production Roads and farming roads; e). Land Optimization (Improvement of emang, sub-tertiary channels, and production facilities); f). Movement to Implement Integrated Crop Management (GP-PTT); g). Development of Organic Farming Areas; h). Development of Integrated Agricultural Areas; i). Center for Prosperous People's Agriculture (PPRS).
6. Agricultural Institutions include: a). Increasing Community Food Diversification and Security; b). Human resource development for extension workers; c). Increasing Extension Institutional Capacity; d). Growth and Empowerment of Self-Help Extension Workers; e). Development of Agricultural Human Resources, Farmer Institutions.
7. Price stabilization and food supply include: a). Development of Distribution Systems and Food Price Stability; b). Development of Availability and Handling of Food Insecurity
1. Increase in Fuel Quota
2. Provision of subsidized fuel for border area farmers and fishermen (Solar Fisherman Dealer Package/SPDN)
3. Construction of Power Plants and Networks (Interconnection throughout Kalimantan)
4. Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Energy
1. Maritime affairs include: a). Management of Marine and Coastal Resources; b). Community Empowerment in Supervision & Control of Marine Resources; c). Development of Capture and Aquaculture Fisheries; d). Development of National Maritime Science & Techno Park; e). Development of Maritime Transportation Infrastructure and Facilities and ASDP; f). Maritime Innovation; g). Empowerment of Coastal, Marine and Small Island Communities.
2. Border Areas focus on accelerating development through the Development and Acceleration of Border Area Development (Housing and Settlement Development, Residential Area Infrastructure, Airport Improvement and Construction, Telecommunications, Road, Bridge and Pier Construction, Air and Land Transportation Facilities Development, Energy Development, Tourism Areas, Livestock Areas and Plantation Areas on the Border)
1. INDUSTRIES include: a). Development of Special Economic Zones; b). Development of industrial areas and sectoral downstream programs; c). Downstreaming of primary products; d). PDR development and development of PDR regional logistics distribution facilities; e). Development of Local Economy Development in the interior and borders.
2. TOURISM includes: a). Infrastructure development and development/provision of tourist destination facilities; b). Study of potential development and provision of tourism human resources; c). Regional Development of Tourism Destinations; d). Development and Marketing of Tourist Attractions; e). Development of creative culture in border communities.
1. Forestry includes: a). Sustainable Production Forest Management and Forestry Business; b). Control of Watersheds and Protected Forests; c). Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems; d). Environmental Planning and Management; e). Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership; f). Environmental and Forestry Law Enforcement; g). Climate Change Control; h). Increasing Counseling and Human Resource Development; i). Mangrove Forest Restoration; j). RHL; k). Forest and Land Fire Protection; l). Operationalization of KPHP and UPTD.
2. The living environment includes: a). Air Quality Monitoring (Air Monitoring Equipment); b). River Water Quality Monitoring (River Quality Monitoring Tool/sampling tool); c). Preparation of Environmental RTP (Peat Ecosystem Protection & Management Plan); d). Preparation of Regional Regulations on the Prevention and Recovery of Forest and Land Fires; e). Physical Construction of the Environmental Laboratory Building; f). Peat Area Development; g). Climate Change Development; h). Kalimantan Elephant Conservation and Kalimantan Highlands Bull Conservation; i). Development of the HoB Study Center; j). Technopark Area Development; k). Embung Development; l). Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Plantation Principles Policy; m). Calculation of carrying capacity and carrying capacity; n). Monitoring ambient air quality from forest fire activity; o). Supervision of environmental permits issued by Provincial/Regency/City; p). Verify complaints about environmental problems
OTHER focus on discussing the results of this agreement will be forwarded to the Central Government to be used as material in discussions on the 2017 budget by the Central Government. It is hoped that the role of BAPPENAS and the Ministry of Home Affairs will be to facilitate discussions at the central level with the relevant Ministries in an effort to support the implementation of priority and strategic programs which are part of the overall proposed development program in the Kalimantan Region, as in the attached matrix which is an inseparable part of this agreement. (Public Relations of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).