Field Verification - Evaluation of gender mainstreaming 2023
Hi, friend planning!
The East Kalimantan Provincial Government conducted an evaluation of gender mainstreaming in 2023 on Thursday (9/11/2023) in the meeting room of 2 East Kalimantan Governor's Office.
This meeting aims to provide information related to gender integration in programs/activities that have been implemented.
This meeting was led by the Regional Secretary of Mrs. Sri Wahyuni and was attended by the Head of Government and Human Development Mr. Mispoyo along with Staff, Mrs. Dewi Budi Cahyani along with the evaluator team from the Indonesian Ministry of PPPA, Regional Inspector of East Kalimantan Province, Head of DKP3A Province East Kalimantan Disdik, East Kalimantan BKD, East Kalimantan Balitbangda, East Kalimantan BKKBN, Samarinda Province, Head of the Mulawarman University Gender Study Center.
East Kalimantan Provincial Government in carrying out this PUG is carried out by integrating gender perspectives (perspective) into the development process in each field in realizing development with an integral dimension of planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs, and development activities in the regions.
East Kalimantan was included in the nomination in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government APE Receive the Award Parahita Ekapraya (APE) in 2023 because it supports the Gender Mainstreaming Program (PUG) of the Gender Development Index (IPG) in East Kalimantan in 2022 amounting to 86.61%. It was noted that the male HDI reached 82.22 while the female HDI was only 71.21. Conceptually, this achievement reflects the amount of gender disparity in East Kalimantan. This gender disparity even occurs in all districts/cities in East Kalimantan.
Indra Perdana, S.IP, M.Sc
#listening and name
#planning for the development of the stimulation 20