
Wednesday, 16 February 2022



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PPD Nomination Interview Regency/City Year 2022

Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Prof. Dr. Ir. H.M. Aswin, MM opens the second phase of PPD Regency/City Phase/City Assessment event directly, in the form of the 6 (Six) Presentation Stages and Interviews of Selected Regency/City Nominees (Berau, Paser, Kukar, Bontang, Balikpapan, Samarinda), on Tuesday (02/15/2022).

"The implementation of the presentation and interview is intended to obtain information and confirmation from the district/city government which is a nominee with an emphasis on 4 (four) main aspects, namely the achievement, quality of documents, the process of preparing RKPD documents, and innovations developed", Prof. Aswin explained.

further, in addition to sending the best regencies and cities in the PPD 2022 assessment stage at the national level, the assessment is also intended for the interests of the region in order to achieve harmonization and synergy of planning and alignment of targets from national, provincial, to districts/cities especially with the selection of East Kalimantan as the capital of the new country. Also present at the event was the Secretary, the Heads and Head of Subdivision in the Bappeda Environment of East Kalimantan Province.

To note, the results of the assessment of the 3 regencies and 3 cities that have been set at stage I will be announced in the ranking of the best provincial level to be submitted in the implementation of the upcoming Provincial RKPD Musrenbang.

#baped mutiled


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