Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Build Forward Better Webinar: Rising Together from Covid-19 for Sustainable Development Goals
Samarinda, (22/10/2020). Head of the Natural Resources and Environment sub-sector Rina Juliaty, S.Si, M.Si and Staff attended the Road to SDGs Webinar organized by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas with the theme "Build Forward Better: Rising Together from Covid-19 for Development Goals Sustainable”
2020 Indonesia began to be hit by covid19 where the first cases began in March 2020. Various efforts were made to prevent covid19 which had an impact on the agenda national, including the implementation of SDGs. The world, regional and also Asia Pacific have stated that the SDGs will be affected by this outbreak, including Indonesia, for this reason, Bappenas as the Coordinator of SDGs implementation invites all stakeholders and society to continue to maintain enthusiasm for SDGs achievements to remain on target even though there are several adjustments. target as a result of being affected by covid19.
For this reason, Bappenas as the Coordinator took the initiative to carry out a series of virtual programs or webinars in various forms of events as an annual commemoration of the SDGs. This activity is intended as a forum for exchanging ideas, a place for discussion, sharing knowledge and knowledge and involving all stakeholders.
This webinar is led by DR. (H.C) Ir. H. Suharso Monoarfa Minister of National Planning and Development / Head of Bappenas. By presenting resource person Prof. Dr. Armida Salsiah SAlisjahbana, SE Under Secretary General of the United Nation and Executive Secretary of ESCAP, Dr. Bambang Susantono Vice President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, and Sophie Kemkhadze UNDP Deputy Resident Representative for the Republic of Indonesia.
In general, this webinar hopes that all parties will emerge from the covid19 pandemic situation and together continue the agenda for achieving the SDGs which has become a reference for implementing a good recovery strategy by a new development paradigm that integrates and balances social, economic and environmental conditions simultaneously.
For this reason, joint steps are needed to overcome Covid-19 with collective action to support the achievement of the SDGs, working hand in hand after the pandemic, better development called Build Forward Better em> Which will be the theme of the SDGs in the future.
Bappenas has prepared a 2030 SDGs road map, in line with the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the 2020-2024 SDGs will be prepared based on the evaluation results of the 2017-2019 SDGs RAN, guided by metadata. p>
It is hoped that ministries/institutions, philanthropists, business actors, academics, and fakar as well as community organizations, the media will participate and be active in the progress of preparing the RAN SDGs which will be coordinated by Bappenas with the need to identify the activities involved. relevant and contribute to achieving the 2020-2024 SDGs targets and indicators.
(PR of BappedaKaltim/Fat/editor:Sukandar, S.Sos)