
Saturday, 12 February 2022



1301 times seen

Webinar with the theme "Relevance of Agricultural and Food Development With the Establishment of IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan Province"

Saturday, 12/02/2022. Research and Community Research Institute of Mulawarman University in collaboration with the Indonesian Food Technology Expert Association (PATPI) Samarinda Branch of East Kalimantan Province took the initiative to hold a seminar by taking the theme "Relevance of Agricultural and Food Development by Establishing IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan".

Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. H.M. Aswin, M.M was present as a speaker at the activity. Prof. Aswin on this occasion delivered a presentation with the topic "The Role of Agricultural Higher Education in Preparation for the Development of IKN Nusantara".

delivered by Prof. Aswin that the important role of agricultural universities is in accordance with Law No. 12 of 2012 which includes preparing and supplying human resources of agricultural development; study and develop science and technology in agriculture; Utilizing human resources and science and technology for the benefit of the community. Based on this role, it can be said to have been in line with the intent and purpose of moving the capital to East Kalimantan.

with regard to the role of agricultural universities in the development of IKN, Prof. Aswin emphasizes several things including

(1) Preparing agricultural human resources to become agricultural extension workers, educated farmers, agribusiness entrepreneurs, motivators and others;

(2) research sources related to commodity development innovation;

(3) Provision of technology and agroecosystem support for food crop agriculture;

(4) Source of Research for Increasing Rice Productivity through Biotechnology/Genetic Engineering;

(5) encouraging the role of millennial farmers for agricultural development in East Kalimantan;

(6) encouraging the potential and development of agriculture in a broad sense;

(7) encouraging an efficient and local resource-based agricultural development program.

#baped mutiled




#The role of the agricultural highhold.


#agriculture for