
Wednesday, 19 May 2021



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Webinar Digitalization of Spatial Planning for Sustainable Kalimantan

"Digitalization of Spatial Planning is expected Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Aswin, MM when becoming a keynote speech on the spatial digitalization webinar organized by Mulawarman University virtually ..

Mulawarman University in collaboration with Esri Indonesia organizes this webinar aims to help provide insight and understanding the challenge.

Rector of Mulawarman University of East Kalimantan, CEO of Esri Indonesia , Head of Bappelitbang Bontang City, On this occasion Aswin explained has a regional geospatial information network with the name One Data One Map which was launched by the Governor of East Kalimantan 2014.

one data one map is a system aimed at realizing a database and geospatial information and geospatial information that is accurate. The availability of geospatial data and thematic geospatial information, integrated geospatial data and thematic geospatial information, the availability of sharing facilities, and optimizing the use of geospatial data and thematic geospatial information.

One Data One Map has been integrated with the Kutai Kartanegara District Net Bontang and Berau Regency.

further Aswin explained In an effort to realize a safe, comfortable, and sustainable spatial plan of geospatial innovation. as an example of geospatial innovation carried out is the application of geospatial-based planning. "Examples of applications, every program/activity plan that will be carried out by regional complications must pay attention to the provisions that exist in the pattern of spatial and spatial structure, for example in planning extensification of agricultural land must be in accordance with the designation of spatials, this is where the spatial digitalization is needed to facilitate the spatial -based planning peroses," he said.

Photos: hamsani