
Monday, 20 February 2023



1945 kali dilihat

Webinar on Funding for Regional Head Election Activities in 2024

Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the webinar "Regional Government Readiness to support funding for simultaneous regional head elections in 2024" which was held virtually by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Wednesday (15/02/2023).


In the context of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections, the Regional Government provides funding for joint election activities between the Province and Regency/City concerned which is charged to the APBD of each regional government proportionally according to their respective workloads -each with simultaneous regional election stages in accordance with Permendagri No. 54 of 2019 and its amendment Permendagri 41 of 2020.


In supporting the implementation of the Simultaneous Pilkada in 2024, the Regional Government needs to budget support for funding simultaneous elections and regional elections in accordance with the stages, schedule and program of election activities.


Head of Sub-Directorate II, Dit. Facilitation of KDH & DPRD Directorate General of Regional Autonomy – Ministry of Home Affairs Mrs. Dra. Herny Ika Hutauruk, M.Si said that regional government support was carried out through several things such as Facilitation of PREPARATION for the Pilkada including: Socialization of the implementation of the Simultaneous Pilkada and Providing Information to the public regarding the use of their voting rights in the Pilkada; Facilitation of the IMPLEMENTATION of Regional Elections includes: Supporting funding for simultaneous Regional Elections in accordance with Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 41 of 2020 concerning Funding for Election Activities for Governors, Regents and Mayors sourced from the APBD.


He further explained that other things that were carried out were coordination in creating conditions of security and public order as well as firm and transparent law enforcement in every series of the Pilkada process; Identify the socio-political conditions of the region and be alert to any destructive actions that could hamper the process of implementing the Regional Election; Providing the necessary facilities and infrastructure and facilitating the Pilkada logistics distribution process on time through collaboration with related agencies.



#2024 regional election


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